Global mapping of protein-metabolite interactions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
reveals that Ser-Leu dipeptide regulates phosphoglycerate kinase activity

Marcin Luzarowski , Ruben Vicente Perez, Andrei Kiselev, Mateusz Wagner, Dorothee Childs, Izabela Wojciechowska, Urszula Luzarowska, Michał Górka, Ewelina Maria Sokołowska,
Monika Kosmacz, Juan Camilo Moreno, Dennis Schlossarek, Aleksandra Brzezińska, Bhavana Vagesna, Jennifer Ewald, Lothar Willmitzer, Aleksandra Skirycz

Protein-metabolite interactions are of crucial importance for all cellular processes but remain understudied. Here, we applied a biochemical approach named PROMIS, to address the complexity of the protein-small molecule interactome in the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. By doing so, we provide a unique dataset, which can be queried for interactions between 74 small molecules and 3982 proteins.